Never Listening To The Hubby

I know I'm on this {shopping Detox} program and all (blah blah blah) and I'm extremely grateful that my loving husband is very happy to support... But sometimes a great classic blouse is something a woman should never pass on.

Case in point:

 {Zara: Tie Print Silk Shirt $69.90}

Hubby even admitted that this was a great blouse, great cut and colour YET I listened and didn't buy this blouse. Why? I don't know why! I'm never listening to that stupid voice of reason again {Bang: Hits Head}. Now I have to make ANOTHER trip to the mall to pick up this blouse and possibly find other items I might want, geezzz you happy now? ARE YOU? Damn you shopping detox!!

My hubby does get extra points for noticing that this print is very similar to Tory Burch!

June 5th Update!!
So I went against the hubby and bought this blouse! I am in love with it! The style and print just screams me! It's great with jeans and underneath a blazer! I know shopping detox blah blah but I will get good usage out of this blouse!!!

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